New logo for Hongjitang-Linuo Group Holdings Co., Ltd.
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    New logo for Hongjitang


    Hongjitang launched its new logo in Jinan on Nov. 12. As a China time-honored brand and one of the leading TCM manufacturers, Hongjitang has been actively promoting the innovation and high-quality development of traditional Chinese medicine. The new logo took a three-foot bronze cauldron into the design. The cauldron is usually seen as a symbol of long-lasting Chinese culture and therefore comparable to the development of TCM. The components of the cauldron have also their meanings; the two ears on the cauldron symbolize inheritance and innovation of TCM and the three feet below the digitalized production, customized medicare service and Hongjitangs R&D system. Together with Hongjitang in Chinese characters in the center, the new logo shows that the development of Hongjitang shall be led and supported by modern R&D, production technology and service concept.

